All COVID – 19 Updates and former announcements are housed on this page.



Health and Safety Plan

Attached is the revised Health and Safety Plan that was approved at the May 15, 2023 Meeting of the Huntingdon Area School Board.


thumbnail of Health & Safety Plan 05152023

HASD Student Face Covering Exemption

This message involves the masking mandate implemented by Governor Wolf and the PADOH.  If your child has a documented medical or mental health condition or disability that precludes the wearing of a face covering while on the bus and at school, and you are requesting an exemption from this requirement, you must submit an exemption request form that can be found on the Huntingdon Area School District website.  A section of this form must be completed by your child’s health care provider.  With that being said, according to the CDC, mask-wearing students will not need to quarantine if exposed to a student who tests positive for COVID-19, if both students were properly masked.  We appreciate your cooperation in helping us to provide a safe environment for your children.

thumbnail of HASD Student Face Covering Exemption Form

Learning Schedule - March 8 to 19

Below is a UPDATED schedule for attending school. Please understand that this is only a projection for planning purposes for your families as well as our teachers.
3/8 - 3/12
Act 80 Day
No school for students
100% In Person
100% In Person
100% In Person
100% In Person
3/15 - 3/19
100% In Person
100% In Person
100% In Person
100% In Person
100% In Person
*If there are any adjustments to the building schedules, they will be provided by the building.

100% In-Person Learning Starting on March 3

We will be moving to 100% in person learning on Wednesday, March 3, 2021.

We must ensure face coverings are worn and if we have positive cases, follow the chart for school closure related to positive cases, those are the 2 areas addressed in signing the attestation form.

We will continue to do our best to educate, remediate and intervene with all of our learners each and every day.