Dear Huntingdon Area School District families,

Thursday, April 9, 2020 Governor Wolf and Secretary of Education Rivera closed schools for in-person instruction for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year due to efforts to protect the health and safety of students and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, In accordance with the announcement, the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), cancelled all remaining Winter and Spring sports and championships.

What does that mean for us?

Our Continuity of Education Plan for all learners will continue and it is posted on our website for your review. While remote learning presents some challenges, our approach is to make the challenge an opportunity.  Continue to learn and try your best, we will work with you.  The District is committed to supporting every Learner in the most appropriate way possible. We encourage your continued interaction with your child’s teachers, counselors and building administrator for support with remote instructional content and completing the assignments teachers are creating. It is very important that children continue to grow, learn and stay connected during this unusual time.

Our heart goes out to all our learners who work year-round in preparation for a celebratory window of time at school year’s end.    Thursday’s announcement is particularly heartbreaking for our members of the graduating Class of 2020.  On behalf of the HASD Board of Directors, administration, faculty and staff, we are committed to identifying safe and memorable graduation ceremony alternatives. Honoring our seniors and finding a way to celebrate all that they have achieved is a primary focus.  Unfortunately, events such as the prom will also be canceled.

Finally, our school meal distribution program will continue until June 4,2020.  We are reviewing and considering continuing over the summer months, more information will be provided during the May timeframe.  Please sign up on our district website for each Monday and Thursday when meals are provided.

Thank you and continue to stay positive!