Career and Post-Secondary Online Resources– Pa website for career development and the Career Education and Work Standards. Lots of resources for youth, families, and educators!– PA Department of Education- recommended career exploration site-Free! Includes three major pieces: “Assess Yourself,” “Explore Job Families,” and “Budget Your Life.” See the “Grow” link at the top of the home page where users can create a login and record their progress each time they visit the site and review their previous work (features a resume builder, reference list builder, cover letter builder, and journaling functions, among others).– PHEAA- sponsored site, with career exploration, college matching, post-secondary exploration- very interactive, with links to O*NET and numerous other resources, including checklists for what to look  for in a post-secondary institution and what to do during post-secondary visits.– Includes new employment projections for 2010-2020 and updated industry employment data. Links to My Next Move, and My Next Move for Veterans. Updated Bright Outlook Occupations feature is included within the O*NET site which helps users to more accurately target careers where new job opportunities should be in the future. In addition, the Browse by Industry searches within the O*NET sites are also updated to reflect more current employment patterns.,us– Commonwealth Workforce Development System , PA CareerLink. Information for job seekers and employers in PA.– Great site for job seekers of any age. Lots of tips on numerous job search-related topics.– (formerly Nationwide, Career Technical Education (CTE) programs are changing, evolving and innovating to better serve country’s needs. CTE is preparing students of all ages to help drive America’s success and vitality. Further, it is creating an educational environment that integrates core academics with real-world relevance.– O*NET-related, up-to-date, and user-friendly career exploration site. of great information about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math(STEM). What does it take to become and engineer? All the information is right here. You’ll also find lesson plans, descriptions of different types of engineering (extremely helpful!),etc. Also offers online “games” and a magazine called Spark geared toward youth aged 14-18.– A gateway to experience the excitement of contemporary science and technology through on and offline interactivity with science and technology centers worldwide.– Sloan Career Cornerstone Center- features career exploration for career exploration for careers in STEM, Computing, and Healthcare. Explore over 185 degree fields and find out about education requirements, salaries, networking, precollege ideas, and career planning resources. Browse interviews with hundreds of professionals who offer candid insight into their own diverse careers. Most resources are also as PowerPoint presentations and podcasts.– PA. School Counselors site, with PA Companion Guide and Tools.

Financing Post-secondary Education and Training Websites– PHEAA’s home page– The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid– Includes free scholarship search How to pay back that student loan; budgeting and saving tips– Free Application for Federal Student Aid– General financial aid info– Home page of the U.S Department of Education’s Direct Loan Program

Personal/Social Resources