Role Description of Counselors
The school counselor’s role is to encourage personal responsibility in students as they work toward becoming successful citizens in an ever changing global society.
- The School Counselors will work as leaders for students to develop and implement a data driven and comprehensive school counseling program.
- School Counselors will serve as leaders within the school buildings and community to promote student success and collaborate with community partners.
- The School Counselors will utilize Career Cruising, as a career program to build online career portfolios and the PHEAA website
- The School Counselors will advocate for student equality and access to academic, social/emotional, and career development and success.
- We advocate for students through the Student Assistance Program, School-Wide Positive Behavior
- The School Counselors will work as a team in building collaborative relationships with community, parents, school, and postsecondary partnerships.
- All School Counselors will collaborate as a team in analyzing and developing district wide curriculum and programs.
- School Counselors collaborate within their school buildings with administration and staff to address student need.
Agent of Systemic Change
- The School Counselors will strive to collect and evaluate data to identify academic, social/emotional, and career readiness barriers which hinder students achievement. Develop interventions to eliminate those barriers.