Huntingdon Area School District

Middle School Counseling


 Linda Miller

Huntingdon Area Middle School

Phone:  814-643-2900, Extension 2184



HASD School Counseling Mission Statement

The mission of the HASD Counseling Department is to guide all students in a positive direction that helps each student develop and flourish in their academic, career, and social/emotional lives. We will provide equity and access for all students K-12 and foster collaborative and integrative partnerships with parents, students, teachers, post-secondary and the business community.


HASD School Counseling Vision Statement

The students of the HASD area are all dedicated life-long learners. There is equity and access for all students, and participate in a comprehensive data driven school counseling program that provides each student an opportunity to further their academic and career future. The School Counselors strive for each student to identify and develop their unique spark and passions. The program facilitates collaborative partnerships with teachers, parents, post-secondary and the business community to be caring leaders in guiding our students towards successful well-rounded futures.