Work Permits

The Huntingdon Area High School Office issues Work Permits.  The student who is requesting the permit and the parent or legal guardian must come to the High School office at 2400 Cassady Avenue, Suite 1 to complete the paperwork. The student must be ages 14 to 18. The student’s Birth Certificate must be provided at that time.

Available also are electronic option during the social distancing requirements:

  1. The student can download and complete the electronic Work Permit application from the PDE website. Students unable to access the electronic application should call or write to the High School office to request that a paper application be mailed to them.
  2. The student’s parent or legal guardian electronically signs the PDF or signs the paper application.
  3. The student attaches any required documents, such as a proof of age document, to the  completed application and submits it to
    • If applying electronically, the student may attach digital copies, such as a scan or digital photograph.
    • If applying by mail with a paper application, the student should include photocopies of the required documents.
    • If an applicant is unable to provide a required document with their application, they can present it to the school district issuing officer at the next stage of the process.

Upon receipt of the application and documentation, the issuing officer at the school district schedules an appointment with the student that adheres to social distancing guidelines.

The purpose of the appointment is to enable the applicant to “appear before” the issuing officer, in accordance with the Child Labor Act, while following social distancing guidelines. It also enables the issuing officer to verify a proof of age document if one is required but the student was not able to provide a copy with the application.

The school district can not issue a work permit electronically. Work permits must continue to be issued on a wallet-sized piece of paper, which the student should keep after their employer makes a copy for their records. 

Any questions, please email or call the High School office at 814-643-1080 ext. 2140.