There will be Guest Teacher Training hosted by the Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 on October 31 and November 1, 2023.

About the program

This program is designed for individuals who have a Bachelor’s degree, but do not have a PA teaching certificate. TIU 11 will provide training, help to create connections with districts, walk through the required paperwork and clearances, and process the paperwork that will result in an emergency substitute teaching certificate that will allow you to substitute teach in school districts within the TIU 11 footprint.

Training information

WhenOctober 31st and November 1stTimeOctober 31: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

November 1: TBD

WhereZoom (link will be emailed to participants)

Cost: $35 by check or money order, payable to TIU 11 OR

$40 by credit card.

Deadline to register is October 27, 2023.

Contact information

If interested, please contact Kathy Clark at to request the required paperwork.