We Require Parent/Guardian Assistance with Communication

Dear Huntingdon Area School District Families, we need your help with communication. Please review the superintendent’s message for more details.

thumbnail of Family Request for Email Updates 2.3.25.docx

Volunteer Communication 1.27.25

Dear Huntingdon Area School District Families and Staff,
We recently became aware of serious charges against a District volunteer. Please review the superintendent's message for more details.

thumbnail of Volunteer Communication 1.27.25


The Huntingdon Area School District has implemented the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) throughout the 2024-2025 School Year in all of our schools.

thumbnail of CEP Information

Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Flyer

CHIP Provides quality, comprehensive health insurance for routine doctor's visits, prescriptions, dental, eye care, eyeglasses, mental health, and much more.  CHIP covers uninsured kids who are not eligible for Medical Assistance.  For many families, CHIP is free - for others, it is low cost.

thumbnail of School Flyer_ CHIP Strong

Route for Middle School/High School Student Morning Drop Off

HS/MS Parent Drop Off AM Route
All students transported to school by their parent/guardian will be dropped off in the morning at the side doors of the HS and MS.  No student drop off is permitted in front of the schools in the bus lanes or on the streets in front of administrative offices.  Please follow the directions for traffic flow on the map below.  Drop off time will be from 7:30 AM to 7:45 AM with one way traffic around the back of the MS.  Cars will exit the school area by turning right at the greenhouse stop sign.  Staff on duty will assist you with traffic flow.
thumbnail of Parent Drop Off Pattern