Please fill out this form (if you have not already) by 2pm Thursday March 19th to register for meals for Friday March 20th. We will be delivering meals to the following locations at the following times. We will be distributing backpack food as well. Reminder that ALL children ages 2 – 18 are eligible for meal distribution; however, learners have to be currently enrolled in a backpack program to receive backpack food. We will have a new form and information for distributions next week. For Click on word “form” in the flyer below or the link below the flyer to open the form to complete.
Friday March 20th Delivery Locations and Times:
- Huntingdon Area Middle School (11am – 1pm)
- Crawford Apartments [out front] (1:15 – 1:45pm)
- Parking Lot Across from Community Center (2:00 – 2:30pm)
- Mill Creek United Methodist Church Parking Lot (1:30 – 2:00pm)
- Stone Creek Valley Fire Company (1:30 – 2:00pm)
- Marklesburg Fire Hall Parking Lot (1:30 – 2:00pm)