Student Experiences


Students will have access to their BILD courses through Canvas, our Learning Management System. Students will access Canvas through Clever for easy navigation. Each student will be enrolled in an orientation course in Canvas to learn about the platform and how to complete tasks. When they complete the orientation course, they will then have access to their classes to begin assigned lessons by their teacher.


BILD teachers will provide various whole group live sessions weekly in Zoom. Students are encouraged to attend these live; however, recordings will also be offered if students cannot attend live. In addition to the whole group sessions, BILD teachers will work with families to offer one on one Zoom sessions to personalize the needs of each student and support them in their learning via Student Hours.


What are student hours? These are various opportunities throughout the week in which the BILD teachers can offer academic support to students who are struggling the content, submitting assignments, etc. Student hours are offered virtually in BILD teachers’ Zoom rooms or students can come in person to meet with them too! Student hours for secondary students (grades 7-12) are in the BILD classroom, beside the library at the High School. Stop in any time, we are here to help!

Reminders when attending student hours:

  • Check the schedule! You can access the BILD Student Hours by checking out the homepage of your BILD courses.

  • Have your chromebook or ipad available & prepare any questions in advance, if possible.

  • If you are coming into the HS building, please sign in using the keypad outside of the main office and sign out when you leave.




Every student in grades 7-12 who has 3 or more online classes in BILD will be assigned a Learning Coach. A Learning Coach is one of the BILD teachers and they will meet once a week (in person or in Zoom) for 10-15 minutes. During this time the Learning Coach and Student discuss what is new in life, get to know each other, progress monitor grades, answer any questions, help establish routines, and provide program/school updates. It is a great opportunity for a student to build a relationship with a teacher that is supportive and genuine. 


All BILD students (grades K-12) have the opportunity to create a hybrid BILD schedule which includes some in person time in the HASD buildings. This can range from in person instruction with BILD teachers, participation in specials/lunch/recess, attending preferred in person classes (example: Art/Music classes, HCCTC, etc.). Students and Families can truly pick a unique schedule based on their needs. Mid-Day transportation can also be provided to BILD students to leave or come into school



Other Learning Resources

Family Engagement

  • Reveal Math (K-6)
  • Online math fluency practice for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Wonders, Heggerty, and ECRI all elements of our Elementary ELA courses to improve phonemic awareness, reading, and reading comprehension


  • Students will have access to online content in Canvas to support learning in specialty areas such as physical education, health, art, and music or they may attend these classes in person. Students can also participate in specials, in person.

Grade Level Apps

  • Logins will be shared with you for apps like Reading Eggs and Epic. These are programs that are used in the classroom and already on your child’s iPad. Feel free to take advantage of these programs, but they will only be optional and not required. 

 Other Materials

  • Families will be invited to material pick-ups so students can have paper workbooks to support online instruction as well as other materials such as magazines, notebooks, counters, or other supplies for learning

We highly encourage parents/guardians to be active in supporting their student’s learning.

  • Help them set up and follow a schedule for each day of the week (Zoom sessions, time to work in Canvas, etc.).

  • Bring them in to the building to participate in school wide celebrations or assemblies.

  • Attend after-school activities sponsored by the district or PTG

  • Bring your child in to school to participate in specials such as Music, Band, Art, or Gym

  • Maintain active and open communication with the BILD Teacher and Online Learning Director. Review their weekly communication, emails, and other newsletters.

  • Review the BILD Handbook to be aware of expectations throughout the year. 

Opportunities for Socialization With Peers

  • BILD teachers host weekly read alouds, game days, and show and tells in Zooms with larger groups of students to encourage interaction, communication, and relationship building among peers through a virtual setting.

  • Themed In Person Events are hosted monthly at Southside Elementary for BILD Students in grades K-6 to do fun, hands-on, academic activities that engage students to work collaboratively and make memories with peers.

  • BILD Families can also request hybrid schedules that include attending Southside Elementary in person a few times a week to attend specials, lunch, and/or recess which offer opportunities for socialization with other peers as well.